Sponsorship for postdoctoral researcher positions is offered within the framework of the FONDECYT Postdoctoral 2021 call. This call will open in July and close in August 2020.
Development areas:
1. Light-emitting devices based on transition metal coordination complexes.
2. New photocatalysts for carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation using visible light.
3. New catalysts for activation of small molecules via homogeneous catalysis.
The Synthesis and Technology for Coordination and Organometallic Compounds (SyTeCCO) laboratory is led by Dr. Alan Cabrera Caballero, from the Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The work carried out here is focused on new alternatives based on the interface of inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry, for light-emitting devices, redox photocatalysis, and activation of small molecules.
The deadlines for starting and ending the call are reported at www.anid.cl. However, given the reduced application time (approximately 40 days), it is suggested to prepare the proposal using the documentation from last year, available at https://www.anid.cl/concursos/concurso/?id=281. It is noted that the bases and conditions may be different from year to year. The application can be in Spanish or English.
Do you have questions or comments? Write to arcabrer@uc.cl