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Dr. Alan Cabrera research group


You are visiting the webpage of Synthesis and Technology of Coordination Compounds and Organometallics (SyTeCCO) research group

We are located in Santiago of Chile, at Inorganic Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy in the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.

Our research is focused in design, synthesis and characterization of coordination and organometallic complexes for technological use in the areas of homogeneous catalysis, molecular activation, development of luminescent devices and photocatalysis.

Group members

Dr. Alan Cabrera
Our Services
Dr. Alan Cabrera

Main Researcher

Assistant professor

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy

Dr. David Moreno

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy

Marco Henriquez

Graduate student

Bachelor in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy

Camilo Verdugo

Graduate student

Bachelor in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy

Former Members
Santiago Topali

Bachelor in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy, UC

Ignacio Erazo

Bachelor in Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry and of Pharmacy, UC

Prof. María José Ruiz

Full professor

Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Web site ,


The research carried out in the Synthesis and Technology for Coordination and Organometallic Compounds (SyTeCCO) laboratory is focused on new alternatives based on the interface of inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry, for light-emitting devices, redox photocatalysis, and activation of small molecules.


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Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Chile

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